Our accreditations
You can see we have our accreditations on our website, but seeing all of those on our page can be a bit daunting if you don’t know what they mean. Here’s a brief guide to explain them all and leave no doubt in your mind that we’re a company that you can trust!
This accreditation deals with quality management system. This ensures that all every procedure is correctly followed, reducing the risk of accidents, and making sure everything is completed in a professional manner.

URS stands for United Registrar of Systems, an independent accrediting body that is overseen by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service), who is in turn overseen by ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation). In short, ISO sets the standards, URS provides the accreditations, and UKAS makes sure everything is done correctly and above board. 14001 is the code for this particular accreditation, In this case, 14001 is concerned with protecting the environment. With this in place, you know you are dealing with a responsible company that cares about the environment. The accreditation means that:
- We do our best to reduce anything that has a negative impact on the environment. For example using diesel instead of petrol vehicles, using less paper where we can, and recycling as much as possible!
- We follow all environmental laws.
This accreditation deals with occupational health and safety; with this you know we do our best to avoid any misadventures! It makes sure:
- Injuries and accidents are avoided.
- Businesses follow all health and safety laws.
Our ADIA accreditation means that we are a proud member of The Automatic Door Installation Association. It lets you know that all installations we carry out are complete by a professional to the highest standards.
The ADSA accreditation means that we a part of the Automatic Door Suppliers Association. With this, you can rest assured our automatic doors are guaranteed to be of the best quality.
This mean you’ll find us on the Achilles UVDB, or Utilities Vendor Database Service. The UVDB accreditation means we have received and cleared an independent review of our safety, health, environment and quality management systems, and corporate social responsibility (ethics).
An Avetta accreditation ensures that our engineers are all suitably qualified to carry out their duties.
Builder’s Profile
Builder’s Profile is a registry of trusted contractors. With our name on their list, you know that we can professionally and safely complete our duties.
DHF stands for the Door and Hardware Federation. The DHF provides training for companies similar to ours, making sure all of our engineers carry out their duties safely.

Elogbooks verifies us as an exceptional service company, meaning you know we’ll go above and beyond to make sure everything’s perfect for you.
With all of these certifications and accreditations in place, you can rest assured that all of us here work to the highest possible standard, and that Abacus Shutters and products such as commercial shutters remains to this day, a company you can count on.